Dealing with People You Can't Stand: How to Bring Out the Best in People at Their Worst by Dr. Rick Brinkman

Dealing with People You Can't Stand: How to Bring Out the Best in People at Their Worst by Dr. Rick Brinkman

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Learn how to get things done and get along when you're dealing with people who have the uncanny ability to sabotage, derail, and interfere with your plans, needs, and wants. Learn how to:

  • Use sophisticated listening techniques to unlock the doors to people's minds, hearts, and deepest needs
  • Apply "take-charge" skills that turn conflict into cooperation by reducing the differences between people
  • Transform the destructive behavior of Tanks, Snipers, Know-It-Alls, Whiners, Martyrs, Meddlers, and other difficult types of people

Whether you're dealing with a coworker trying to take credit for your work, a distant family member who knows no personal bounds, or a loud cell phone talker on line at the grocery store, Dealing with People You Can't Stand gives you the tools for bringing out the best in people at their worst.